LinkedHashSet in Java is a class which is present in java.util package. It is the child class of HashSet and implements the set interface.
Points to remember about LinkedHashSet class in Java:
1. LinkedHashSet class contains unique elements.
2. It allows null value.
3. The underlying data structure for LinkedHashSet is both a hash table and linked list.
4. In LinkedHashSet class, insertion order is preserved.
1. LinkedHashSet(): This constructor creates a default linked hash set.
2. LinkedHashSet(int capacity): It is used to initialize the capacity of the linked hash set to the given capacity.
3. LinkedHashSet(int capacity, float loadFactor): This constructor is used to initialize the capacity of the linked hash set to the given capacity and the given load factor.
4. LinkedHashSet(Collection<? extends E> c): It is used to initializes the linked hash set by using the elements of collection c.
Size of the linked hash set is: 6
The original linked hash set is: [Amit, Sumit, Rohit, Virat, Vijay, Ajay]
Removing(Rohit) from the linked hash set: true
(Sumit) present in the linked hash set or not: true
Finally, the updated linked hash set is: [Amit, Sumit, Virat, Vijay, Ajay]
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Points to remember about LinkedHashSet class in Java:
1. LinkedHashSet class contains unique elements.
2. It allows null value.
3. The underlying data structure for LinkedHashSet is both a hash table and linked list.
4. In LinkedHashSet class, insertion order is preserved.
Difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet:
LinkedHashSet is similar to HashSet except the below-mentioned differences.
1. In HashSet insertion order is not preserved it means the elements will not be returned in the same order in which we are inserted, while in case of LinkedHashSet insertion order must be preserved.
2. The underlying data structure for HashSet is a hash table while the underlying data structure for LinkedHashSet is both hash table and Linked List.
3. HashSet class came in Java 1.2 version while LinkedHashSet class came in Java 1.4 version.
Constructors in Java LinkedHashSet Class:
There are 4 constructors are available in Java HashSet class, which are described below:
1. LinkedHashSet(): This constructor creates a default linked hash set.
2. LinkedHashSet(int capacity): It is used to initialize the capacity of the linked hash set to the given capacity.
3. LinkedHashSet(int capacity, float loadFactor): This constructor is used to initialize the capacity of the linked hash set to the given capacity and the given load factor.
4. LinkedHashSet(Collection<? extends E> c): It is used to initializes the linked hash set by using the elements of collection c.
Methods in Java LinkedHashSet Class:
LinkedHashSet class in Java is the child class of HashSet class. It defines the same methods which are available in HashSet class and it doesn't add methods of its own.
Java LinkedHashSet Example:
import java.util.*;
class linkedHashSetExample
public static void main(String args[])
//creating a hash set
LinkedHashSet<String> lhset = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
//adding elements in linked hash set
//adding duplicate values
//find size of linked hash set
System.out.println("Size of the linked hash set is: "+lhset.size());
//displaying original linked hash set
System.out.println("The original linked hash set is: " +lhset);
//removing element from linked hash set
System.out.println("Removing(Rohit) from the linked hash set: " +lhset.remove("Rohit"));
//checking specified element present or not
System.out.println("(Sumit)present in the linked hash set or not: " +lhset.contains("Sumit"));
//displaying updated linked hash set
System.out.println("Finally, the updated linked hash set is: "+lhset);
Size of the linked hash set is: 6
The original linked hash set is: [Amit, Sumit, Rohit, Virat, Vijay, Ajay]
Removing(Rohit) from the linked hash set: true
(Sumit) present in the linked hash set or not: true
Finally, the updated linked hash set is: [Amit, Sumit, Virat, Vijay, Ajay]
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Reviewed by Prashant Srivastava
March 04, 2019

Thanks for sharing valuable such very helpful for me.Keep it up.